Self Referrals
Physiotherapy Self-Referral
You can use the self referral link - see below:
Podiatry/Chiropody - Self-Referral
You do not need to see a doctor/nurse for podiatry/chiropody, you can self-refer by telephoning the Central Booking Office.
Telephone 0141 347 8909
Monday to Friday 10 am to 2.30 pm
OPAL is a free information, advice and referral service for adults (16+) in East Dunbartonshire who may need a bit of help and support, but do not necessarily know how to access it.
We can also help you with referrals to services and support in the area. All of the OPAL Advisers work in East Dunbartonshire, they know the local area and they know what is available in the community where to find it.
We may not be able to answer every question immediately, but if we cannot we will go and find the answer, and get back in contact with you – even if it is to tell you that what you are looking for does not exist.
From accessing care and support services, through to finding a plumber or a mobile hairdresser, OPAL can help you with more or less any enquiry.
Termination of Pregnancy Self-Referral
A self-referral service now exists for patients requesting a termination of pregnancy.
Please telephone (0141) 211 8620 and ask for a date/time for your initial assessment which will be at the Sandyford Clinic.
Sandyford Central
2-6 Sandyford Palce
G3 7NB
Working Health Services Scotland (WHSS) is a Scottish Government funded NHS service that provides free and confidential advice and health support for people who are self-employed or working in companies with 250 or less employees and have a health condition or injury which they feel is impacting on their work.
The service aims to support them to remain at work avoiding absence.
They may be referred to :
- Physiotherapy
- Counselling
- Occupational therapy
The case manager may also provide signposting to services for help and advice on issues such as employment, housing, debt and wellbeing.
Access to service : Referral can be made by self, GP, health professionals or partner organisations. Please click on the link below:
Working Health Services Scotland (WHSS) - Health and Well-being (
Community Rehab Team
The Community Rehabilitation Team (CRT) provides a home-based, multi-disciplinary service for older people and adults with a disability. It gives advice about managing disabilities on a long term basis, and what service users can do to try to avoid unnecessary admission to hospital/long-term care.
The team works closely with other agencies, health and social care departments and organisations to ensure that patient care is co-ordinated.
Anyone who is eligible will be assessed by the team to determine the correct help and support.
Please click on the link below for further information and referral details:
Self-referral For Local Services
Most referrals to other specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a GP, however there are a number of services locally, listed below that you are able to make self-referrals to.
Mental Health & Wellbeing EDAMH
We can support individuals from age 18 upwards who live within the boundaries of East Dunbartonshire. Our primary focus of support is with people experiencing functional mental health problems e.g. anxiety, depression, psychosis. Our remit does not allow us to work with people with current drug or alcohol issues, brain injury or a learning disability. Our support is mainly one to one and recovery-focused for a maximum of 6 months. We do not operate a counselling service.
Self Referral Primary Care Mental Health Team
EDAMH operates an open referral system and you do not need a clinical diagnosis to be referred to our services. You can request a referral form by telephoning us on 0141 955 3040 or by emailing or click on the link below.
The completed referral form should be returned to our office by post or email. We are always happy to discuss potential referrals over the phone.








Sexual Health Services - Self referral
For Sexual Health and contraception issues, abortion, as well as related counselling or Rape Crisis advice, can all be managed at the Sandyford Sexual Health clinic.
The general advice line is: 0141 211 8600
More information is available and appointments can be booked via website below:
You can also contact the new local sexual health clinic for advice and appointments related to contraception and sexual health.
Sandyford Kirkintilloch
0141 211 8130
They are open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm.
Also, Sandyford Abortion Service, has a new contact number
0141 451 5433
Again, information should be available on the website.