Repeat Prescriptions
Please allow 4 full working days, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed and ready to collect from your preferred pharmacy. Any problems please telephone the surgery.

Serial Prescribing
The practice is working with community pharmacists to improve how we manage regular repeat prescriptions. We have issued you with a serial prescription which looks like a normal prescription but lasts for up to 12 months. It does not need to be reordered from the practice in this time period.
The serial prescription(s) are kept in the community pharmacy and your GP decides how often your medicines should be collected; usually every 8 weeks. Let your pharmacist know if you need to collect your medicines earlier than normal or if you will need more than usual if, for example, you are going on holiday. Your practice is informed each time you collect a supply of medication.
The next time your prescription is due please contact your usual pharmacy to arrange collection. Please advise them that you are now on a SERIAL PRESCRIPTION. At this first collection, the pharmacist will register you for this service. The serial prescription can only be dispensed at the pharmacy where this registration has taken place.
Subsequent supplies of your serial prescription will then take place directly from your pharmacy every 8 weeks with no need to order a new prescription from the GP practice for up to 12 months. At this point the pharmacy could then request a new serial prescription from your GP. A review of your repeat medication will be carried out at this time, so depending on your particular condition, your GP practice may or may not invite you in before issuing your next serial prescription.
If you occasionally take medicines which are not on your repeat list, these will not have been added to your serial prescription. If these are required again then they should be reordered from your GP practice as before.
Although you now have a serial prescription, you can still make an appointment to see the doctor whenever you need to. The pharmacist may also advise you to see the doctor if, for example your condition changes.
At any point in the lifetime of your serial prescription, your doctor can stop or add in new medicines and your pharmacist will be informed.
If you do not wish to proceed with a serial prescription or you are in the process of changing either your community pharmacy or GP practice, please inform the community pharmacy above who will cancel the remainder of your existing serial prescription and inform your GP practice before further prescriptions are issued.
More information on this service can be found at Community Pharmacy Scotland website.
Information for Patients suitable for Serial Prescription
What is a serial prescription?
A serial prescription looks like your normal prescription but is issued by your GP for 56 weeks. It will be issued in regular intervals, (usually 8 weeks) by the pharmacy. This will be dispensed by the pharmacy when it is due so it will be ready for you to collect before you run out of medication. This makes collecting prescriptions much easier for you and saves time at the GP practice. You will not need to reorder the items on your serial prescription from the surgery or pharmacy.
Why have my repeat medications been selected for serial prescribing?
You have been identified as having a long term condition which requires medication. As your medication(s) is/are quite stable and you regularly attend reviews it has been decided by your practice that it is appropriate for you to have a long term prescription for these items.
Can I use any pharmacy?
You can take your serial prescription to any pharmacy. You may already be registered with a pharmacy if not when you collect your first serial prescription the pharmacy will ask you to register with them and sign a form. They will then ask some questions about your medication and general health. You will need to collect your serial prescription items from the pharmacy you are registered with. You can attend any pharmacy for any other prescriptions or to buy medicine or seek advice. If you wish to change the pharmacy you get your serial prescription from please inform both the pharmacy and your GP practice.
Is anything not covered by my serial prescription?
Items that you only use occasionally such as creams, those requiring close monitoring e.g. Methotrexate and Warfarin, contraceptives, controlled drugs and weekly dispense items are not included on a serial prescription. These should be ordered by you in accordance with your usual surgery and pharmacy arrangements. Please ask your community pharmacist any questions you have about what is not covered by your serial prescription.
What do I do if my medicines change?
If your medicines change the GP and Pharmacy will coordinate to ensure that any changes are made to your serial prescription. It is good practice to check your medicines before you leave the pharmacy to ensure that the prescription has been updated. This prevents waste to the NHS and allows the Pharmacy to organise a supply of any missing items.
Not all new medicines that your GP prescribes will be added to the serial prescription. If it is short term or a medicine you are just starting on you will still need to still order these items yourself until such time as the GP decides that it is appropriate to add to your serial prescription.
What do I do if I am going away on holiday?
Please let your community pharmacist know 1-2 weeks in advance when you will be away and how long for. This will enable them to have your prescription ready in time.
What happens when my long term prescription runs out?
Your pharmacist will ask you to sign the back of the prescription forms and will then contact your doctor to request the next prescription. Your doctor may need you to make an appointment for a check up before issuing the next prescription as part of your ongoing medical care.