Our Practice and Staff
The history of this practice is traceable to the 1850's when Dr Robertson arrived from northern England. He married into a local family and started practicing from 41 Station Road. All home visits were done by horseback. The practice had one move to No 33, moving to the current premises in 1947.
The surgery building was extensively modernised and extended in 1986, 1997 and 2005, giving us the current configuration of the Practice.
We currently have 6 GP partners
Dr Stanley (Female) MBChB DRCOG MRCGP. Qualified 1992
Dr Thomson (Female) MBCHB MRCGP DFFP. Qualified Edinburgh 1992.
Dr Johnston (Male) MBChB(Hons), MPC, MRCGP, DRCOG, DipFMS, DFFP, DOccMed
Dr Dawson (Female) MBChB, BSc(MedSci)Hons, DFFP, DRCOG, DCH, MRCGP
Dr Bhatti (Female) MBChB MRCGP
Dr MacPhee (Male)
Our Nursing team consists of:
Sister Julie Goldie (Female) Advanced Nurse Practioner (ANP)
Sister Martha Gill (Female) Practice Nurse
suported by Lynn Wishart, health care support worker (HCSW)
Treatment Room Nurses: The practice is supported by East Dunbartonshire CTAC Team for treatment room services.
We also have ST1/ST3 trainee GP's and FY2 Doctors
We are supported further by our Advanced Physiotherapist, our District Nurses and a Wellbeing worker.
Our Practice Manager is Joanne Watson, she is supported by Mark Boles (General Administrator) Stacey Pritchard and Gillian Anderson are our head receptionists.